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Dynamic equine spaces available for rent for every occasion.

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Your event deserves to be seen by hundreds of people, and there’s no better place for that to happen than at Hardy Murphy Coliseum. We’ve hosted hundreds of events since 1937, leaving spectators in awe of the incredible showmanship in the arena. From rodeos and barrel racing to county fairs and arts and crafts festivals, our coliseum is home to numerous occasions.

If you’re looking for a world-class coliseum to host your next event, get in touch with us today. We’d be happy to discuss our rental rates and availability to accommodate you, your livestock, and your riders. The team at Hardy Murphy looks forward to hosting you!

Get in Touch With Us

Put on the best performance at the historic Hardy Murphy Coliseum in Ardmore, OK. Contact our staff today to schedule your next event.

A Venue for Your Needs

Tailoring Our Coliseum For All Your Needs

There’s no reason to jump through hoops in order to find a reliable and accommodating venue for your upcoming event. At Hardy Murphy Coliseum, we make the rental process a breeze. When you call our coliseum office, we’ll ask questions regarding your reason for booking, including the type of event you’re organizing, the duration of the event, and the desired dates.

From there, we’ll determine how many arenas an event of your size will require and discuss our rates. Once we’re finished, you can mark your calendar, send out marketing materials, and get ready to present an entertaining performance.

The Coliseum

Climate Controlled Arena Perfect For Your Show

Our namesake coliseum is a climate controlled arena with seating for up to 4,000 that has all the amenities you’ll need to host your next rodeo, horse show, or other equine event. Complete with an enclosed announcer’s booth, private show office, and judge’s lounge, it’s easy to keep your organizers comfortable and the show running smoothly.  Give participants and attendees everything they’ll need with the conveniently adjacent fully equipped kitchen, restrooms, and showers.

Need additional space for a trade show? The attached wings offer up to an additional 18,000 square feet to accommodate vendors and more.

We’re proud to be the entertainment venue of choice in Ardmore, OK.

Grab your friends & family for a fun night, or contact us to discuss booking an arena.